BENQI is a decentralized non-custodial liquidity market protocol built on the high-speed Avalanche smart contract network. The protocol allows users to lend, borrow, or earn interest using their digital assets. BENQI (QI) BENQI

Axelar network

Axelar network is a decentralized state machine responsible for facilitating cross-chain requests. The network supports a few key protocols, such as Cross-Chain Gateway Protocol (CGP). Axelar Axelar network

Diviner Protocol

Diviner Protocol is building a metaverse “Diviner Harbour City” to offer users gamified and diversified prediction marketplace. Diviner Protocol (DPT) Diviner Protocol


IDOdar provides complete information, insightful analysis, in-depth insights, unbiased ratings and reviews about the early-stage cryptocurrency projects Token Sales, IDO (Initial DEX Offering), IEO (Initial Exchange Offering), Initial Coin Offering (ICO). Homepage IDOdar